Eid Fitr Mubarak - Save Palestine
HOLA READERS !! Eid Fitr Mubarak everyone May Allah accept all of our deeds and protect every single one of us. To be honest, it has been a very long time no see. and I am not planning to write anything until I graduate. BUT Because of the situations right now, I think I need to write something on my Blog to speak up about what happens with our brothers and sisters in Palestine Please Please Please remember to make Du'aa for them im begging yall thank you Alhamdulillah Kita masih diberikan kesempatan, kesehatan dan keamanan untuk bertemu dengan Ramadhan 1442 H dan juga Eid Al-Fitr 1442 H. Mohon maaf lahir dan batin yall. Im so sorry for not writing and also not uploading any videos on youtube, because im going insane with my life and all of the LAPORAN. May Allah gives me power to going through this. Ameen ya Rabb. Jadi, alhamdulillah aku amat sangat bersyukur, masih bisa pulang kampung dan berkumpul dengan keluargaku. Ga berada diperantauan :(( alhamdulillah. I do real