HOLA READERS!!! It has been late, but Eid Mubarak everyone! May Allah purify our intentions and forgive all of our sins. Aamiin. ------ Sorry for not writing any articles for almost 3 months. I can't believe it has been too long. OMG - 3 months. There is a lot of things happened in my life. I have to prepare some kind of thing for applying master degree as well as professional program. I also took an exam and an interview test (please pray for me to pass the exam). Therefore, I think it makes me a little bit crazy. You know what I meant yeah. ------ So, let us get started! Today we are going to talk about NEW NORMAL LIFE . Yap, sistem hidup normal baru yang diterapkan selama masa pandemi COVID-19 ini, tepatnya tata peraturan yang harus kita patuhi agar bisa beraktivitas kembali namun tetap menjaga diri dari corona virus (cos a s we know the vaccine is not ready yet). APASIH NEW NORMAL ITU? New normal adalah perubahan gaya hidup yang dicanangka